Identity And Heritage

 I explore cultural identity, heritage and intergenerational trauma through engaging with archives, inherited objects and symbolic processes.  Being the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors has shaped who I am, and I am interested in how we uncover, process and share difficult histories. I feel that generational trauma and anxiety filter through the generations and much of my work focuses on processing this history and dealing with anxieties. I also explores the layers of identity I hold as a culturally strong yet secular Jewish woman and mother. Despite my strong textiles practice, I adopt the most symbolic materials within my work and this often results in multi disciplinary work.

Please click on the images below to zoom in.

Abfahrt Nach England i,ii,iiiThe Lists ( work in progress)The Lists ( work in progress)Mapping Radom ( close up)BoardingAbfahrt Mach England ( tapestry version)Lockdown AnxietyFear, Loss, Survival, GuiltFear,Loss,Survival, GuiltHoppe Reiter ( complete)Meine Geliebte PoppiProcessing Documents ( sample pieve) 2022My Grandmothers Journey,2021The TailorUncovering, 2006pure, 200420,000 Cubes, 200520,000 cubes ( close up)